5 Life Changing Blogs

Changing your life is not usually something that happens in one particular instant. It is the product of making lots of little changes, staying on a path, and committing to a process. Part of that journey is surrounding yourself with the words and beliefs that support and encourage you to keep moving forward toward the life you really want to live.

Here are 5 of my favorite resources who helped me get started with creating my own life vision and keep going, even when I wasn’t sure where it would lead me.


Lisa Nichols

Lisa Nichols is an amazing motivational speaker who has a voice that could calm just about anything. Her blog posts are short, simple, and to the point. A former struggling single mom on public assistance, she is now a multi-million dollar entrepreneur and her life story is truly inspirational. Her guided visualizations really helped me along that path in the early, foggy days of making big life changes. She is definitely high on my “would love to meet her someday” list! Check her out here:


Daily Om

For most of my life, I considered myself agnostic. I felt like there is more to our lives than just our physical day-to-day existence, but I could not quite put my finger on what it was. I did not find any religious leaders out there talking about the things that felt right for me and so I decided early on that religion was not for me. That decision, however, also led me to believe that spirituality was something I would never figure out.

Daily Om helped me change that attitude. They share lots of both spiritual and practical physical tips for living a calm, healthy life. Plus, they offer daily horoscopes (who doesn’t love a good horoscope?).

I’ve taken many of their online courses, which are very reasonably priced on a sliding scale, including: Conscious Parenting (highly recommend), A Year To Simplify Your Life, Heal Your Money Karma, Overcoming Self Sabotage, 21 Day Plant Based Plan for a Lighter Happier You, and Face Yoga. Yes, there are plenty more available and more that I have taken, but those are some highlights!

If you have never taken an online course, but would like to try one to see if it works for your learning style, Daily Om’s pricing makes for an easy entry point to the world of online learning.

Their newsletter is one I open almost every single day.


Martha Beck

Oh, Martha! I really do adore Martha Beck. My cousin introduced me to her work just a year ago and I loved listening to her from the beginning. She reminds me of a comforting aunt who always has the best practical advice, but is also a bit kooky in an endearing sort of way.

She has not one, but three Harvard degrees, including a PhD in sociology and started life coaching people long before life coaching was even a thing. Her life story, too, is fascinating – she grew up Mormon, the daughter of a professor at Brigham Young University, where she returned to teach part-time after the birth of her second child, who has Down Syndrome. Eventually, both she and her now ex-husband left the church and came out as gay. Martha now lives in Pennsylvania with her much younger partner and their new baby.

Martha’s work is focused on listening to your gut and learning to act on it to create a life you want to live. Sound familiar? I found her material so compelling that I actually signed up for her Wayfinder Life Coach Training program earlier this year and am working towards obtaining my ICF certification as a result of it. We really do have all the answers within… just have to learn how to find them.


Gabby Bernstein

Gabby Bernstein was the first really “woowoo” person I began to follow. She shares all her true authentic struggles with her audience, from embracing her spiritual side in business to dealing with her own personal addiction and childhood trauma, she has changed a lot of lives and her stories can inspire action. Personally, I found an EMDR therapist after reading her book “Happy Days” and have found it incredibly helpful, even in ways I did not expect. Check her out – if she’s for you, you’ll know right away.


Louise Hay

Louise feels like another long-lost aunt. Although she died in 2017, her wise words live on in many forms. Her books, recordings, and her publishing company (Hay House) are all still around today and provide content that can be life changing. She wrote her first book in 1976, “Heal Your Body: The Mental Causes of Physical Illness and the Metaphysical Way to Overcome Them,” which started out as a simple pamphlet she distributed at small community events. She was in her 40s at the time and her book took on life of its own and started a whole new phase of life for her as a teacher and healer.

Her philosophy is that the body tells us what our soul is trying to get us to hear through illness and injury. This approach is not a “never go to the doctor” sort of thing, but it is an invitation to get curious about what is going on in our bodies and use the aches, pains, and illnesses that pretty much all of us experience as an opportunity to identify and treat the root of the problem.

She was also a big tennis fan, so she had that going for her, too (love me some tennis!) 😊  


What I love about all of these resources is that they are a good place to start to shift belief systems about who we are, why we are here, and what we want to do with ourselves in the world. There is not a lot of “this is the only path to happiness” in their words and teachings, but a lot of space and encouragement to explore more about yourself and the ways to live a happier, lighter, better life.

Check them out and let us know your favorite!


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